Sunday, 14 October 2012




The definition of a variable specifies three things :
·         Its visibility, which indicates exactly where the variable can be used, e.g. for whole file or only in function
·         Its lifetime, which determine whether the variables exists temporarily or permanently, eg local and global
·         Its type and where allowed, its initial value

To define a variable,  you must understand the following characters :
·         Each variables has a name
·         Each variables has a type
·         Each variables holds a value that you assign to the variables

Naming variables

Variable names can be short as a single letter or as long as 31 characters. The  name must begin with a letter of the alphabet but after the first letter they can contain a letters, numbers and underscore (_)  character. 
The following variables are all valid:
                                sales       Aug91_sales         i               indexAge               Amt    jejari      luas
The following variables are all invalid:
                                81-sales Aug91+sales         my age                   printf   scanf main include define

?  Uppercase letter in variable names  are different from lowercase letter.
Give your names that help describe the value they are holding.

Define a variable

                There are two places where you can define a variable:
                Þ after the brace of a block of code (usually at the top of a function)
                Þ before a function name ( such as before main() in the program)

                int i,j;                                      /* These three lines define 4 variables */
                char c;
                float k;

                /* Rest of program follows */

int i,j;                                                      /* Define the variables i and j as integers. */
char c;                                                    /* Define the variable c as a character. */
float k;                                                   /* Define the variable k as a floating point. */

          Basic Data type

Variables can hold different types of data. C  supports seven built-in data types and it identifiers them by keywords. 
Data type
C keyword
Long integer
Short integer
unsigned integer
-32768 to 32767
-4294967296 to 4294967295
-128 to 127
0 to 65535
0 to 255
Floating point
double floating point

approximately 6 digits of precision
approximately 12 digits of precision
                                                   Table :   Basic Data Type

Assignment  statements and Assignment Operators

The  assignment operator (=) behave differently  from what you might be used to in other languages. The operator used for simple assignment of values to variables, which is consistent with its use  in most other programming languages. 

                                variable = expression   ;

The expression is any  variable , constant, expression or combination that produces a resulting data type that is the same as the variable’s data type.
However,  the assignment operator also can be used on other ways,  such as for multiple assignment statements and compound assignments .

Multiple Assignments
If two or more equal signs appear in an expression ,  each of them performs an assignments.
                                                value = 5 + (r = 9 - c);
Assignment Operators
C++ provides several assignment operators for abbreviating assignment expressions.  For example the statement
                c = c+3;
can abbreviated with the addition assignment operators += as
                c += 3;
Any statement of the form
                                variable = variable operator expression;
                where operator is one of the binary operators +, -, *, /, or % can be written in the form
                                variable operator =  expression;


Operator         Example                               Equivalent
+=                      bonus+=500;                        bonus=bonus+500;
-=                       budget - = 50;                       budget=budget - 50;
*=                      salary *=1.2;                        salary=salary *1.2;
/=                       factor/=.5;                             factor=factor/.5;
%=                    daynum %=7                       daynum=daynum%7;       
Table : Display the arithmetic assignment operators in C

Console Input

Console input (scanf)
You already know about console output (printf function).  In this section we’re going to introduce an important input function, scanf or console input. scanf is an object of the istream class and is said to be “tied to” or connected to the standard input device, normally the keyboard.  The stream-extraction operator as used in the following statement causes a value for integer variable grade (assuming grade has been declared as int) to be input from scanf to memory.
                scanf ("%d", &grade);
Note that the stream-extraction operation is smart enough to know what type of the data is. Assuming the grade has been properly declared, no additional data type needs to be specified for use  with the stream-extraction operator.


                /* C program  that demonstrate the use of scanf to calculate the sum of two integer input from
                   the keyboard */

                #include <stdio.h>
                                int x;
                             int y ;
                                int sum;

                                printf(“\nEnter an integer :“) ;
                                scanf("%d", &x) ;
                             printf(“\nEnter an integer :“) ;
                                scanf("%d", &y) ;

                                sum = x + y;

                                printf( “\nSum of  two integers is %d“,sum );
                                return 0;


            /* C program  that demonstrate the use of scanf to calculate the sum of two integer input from
                   the keyboard */

                #include <stdio.h>
                                int x, y ;

                                printf(“\nEnter two integers :“) ;
                                scanf("%d %d”, &x, &y) ;
                             printf( “\nSum of  two integers is %d“,  (x + y) );
                                return 0;

Format identifier or Specifiers

The format specifier tells printf() where to put a value string and what format to use in printing the value, to match the format specifier to the type of variable that is desired :
Single character
Signed decimal
Floating point (decimal notation)
Floating point (exponential notation)
Unsigned decimal integer
Unsigned hexadecimal integer (uses"abcdef")
Unsigned octal integer
L or L ( %ld, %lu, % lx, %lo )
Long integer or long double floating point


Write a c program to:

1. Calculate the area of a circle

2. Calculate the circumference of a circle

HINT: PI=3.14 ( ini adalah constant bukan variable )

                area=PI x r x r
                circumference = 2 x PI x r
                Where r is a radius

   The program will ask user to enter a value of the radius

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